House Majority Policy Committee to Hold Hearing on Barriers to Starting and Growing a Business in Today’s Economy
WHAT:  Rep. Tim Twardzik (R-Schuylkill) will host a public hearing convened by the House Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter), to discuss issues related to the ongoing barriers to starting and growing a business in today’s economy.

WHO:  Twardzik, Causer, committee members, and the following testifiers: Dave Crouse, owner of 3Cs Family Restaurant; Mike Hammer, senior director of operations at Industrial Hydro; Julie E. Masser Ballay, CFO/vice president of Sterman Masser Potato Farms; John Powers, CEO of Ash/Tec, Inc.; Savas Logothetides, owner of Wheel Restaurant and Charlie’s Pizza and Subs; and Larry Padora, owner of Padora’s Italian Bakery.

WHEN:  Thursday, Aug. 25, 9-11 a.m. 

WHERE:  Empire Beauty School Auditorium, 396 Pottsville Saint Clair Highway, Pottsville, PA 17901.

  Barring any technical difficulties, the hearing will be streamed live at,, and

Media contact: Katie Park, 717-885-3846,