Projects to Remove Lead Contamination from Pottsville Water, Repair Orwigsburg Sewer Awarded State Grants
HARRISBURG – Projects to repair water and sewer infrastructure in Pottsville and Orwigsburg were awarded over $7.3 million in state grants today, according to Sen. Dave Argall (R-29), Rep. Tim Twardzik (R-123), and Rep. Jamie Barton (R-124). The funding was awarded by the
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST).
“Thanks to this highly competitive funding, the people of Pottsville and Orwigsburg will now have safer and more efficient water service,” said Argall. “Sound and up-to-date infrastructure is a key piece of building strong communities. I’m thankful these important projects were awarded this well-deserved state support.”
The Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (SCMA) was awarded $5,240,100 to replace approximately 360 public and private lead and/or galvanized service lines along West Railroad Street and North Centre Street; Fairview Street; West Race Street; and Pierce Street in Pottsville.
SCMA was also awarded a $3,441,200 loan towards replacing approximately 6,900 feet of old 6-inch cast iron water mains with lead joints along West Railroad Street and North Centre Street; Fairview Street; West Race Street; and Pierce Street in Pottsville. This project will address ongoing issues with unaccounted for water loss due to leaks and water pressure issues affecting fire protection.
“Our neighbors in the 123rd District are extremely pleased that two key water quality projects were approved at the PENNVEST Board meeting,” said Twardzik. “Over $8.6 million dollars will return to our county seat to replace antiquated pipes and assure safe and reliable drinking water. Opportunities to enhance the safety and quality of our water systems are not possible without the funding from PENNVEST.”
“We are extremely pleased with the offer from PENNVEST for this very worthwhile project to replace aging watermains located in four different areas that have plagued us with continual breaks and disruptions,” said Patrick Caulfield, Executive Director of the Schuylkill County Municipal Authority. “The original construction of these lines dates back to 1886-1923 and need replacement. In addition, all individual customer service lines that are lead will be replaced to the households.
“We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Sen. Argall and Rep. Twardzik for their support on this project. These projects will cumulatively total over $76 million in SCMA water and wastewater projects funded by PENNVEST since 1991. The Authority continues to commit to reinvestment back into our systems to provide sustainability to our valued customers well into the future.”
“We thank PENNVEST for this very generous grant and loan package that will allow SCMA to replace century old pipes and joints that have caused us and some of our customers so much hassle in recent years,” said Frank Schoeneman, Chairman of the Schuylkill County Municipal Authority. “This project could not have happened without the hard work of the SCMA management team, Sen. Dave Argall and Rep. Tim Twardzik. The Board is extremely grateful for all of their dedication to our ratepayers.”
The Municipal Authority of the Borough of Orwigsburg was awarded $2,087,500 for a project to replace 5,575 feet of sanitary sewer main, manholes, laterals, and cleanouts along Marshall Drive and Ridge Road, and North Warren Street and Station Road. The current sewer collection system is experiencing issues during wet weather due to the deterioration of pipes and manholes.
“I am so grateful this funding has been granted to the Municipal Authority of the Borough of Orwigsburg,” said Barton. “The project funding will go towards the replacement of sanitary sewer main, manholes, laterals and cleanouts along Marshall Drive and Ridge Road. It is imperative that we keep our sewer system clean, sanitary, and up to date for our residents. This is excellent news and a very important investment to our community.”